Saturday, April 16, 2011

Integrity Male Doll

Had a great day finding doll treasures even though it was dreary outside. 
No finds at the Flea Market, the weather scared most vendors away. 
Found this doll at the Thrift Store today. 
At first I thought he was Menelik made by Olmec, but when I got home and
looked at him closely I found he was marked
1996 Integrity Toys. 
Original outfit
I don't think he was ever played with since he still had 
the twist ties and plastic bar attached to his legs. 
Also the back of his shoes were dirty and there is a pink stain on his pants.
His box must have been damaged and someone took him out to save him. 
What's his name?   Is he dressed in a wedding outfit? 
Last question, is there anything I can use to get the pink stain out of his pants.

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