Friday, June 17, 2011


Today has been very  for me.  I was selected as Teacher of the Year from
my school.  The district honored eleven teachers today from around the district.
It all started this morning when I was picked up by limo to go to the 
High School. but before I got to the limo, I was escorted to it by our principal and vice 
principal with our students and teachers cheering. They are so wonderful! Love them all so much!
When we got to the High School we were escorted to the library for breakfast. 
Felt like I was a movie star going to a Hollywood Premiere.
After breakfast, we had a program with our classes. I had one of my 
first grade classes who I loved to work with during the year. 
We received our plaques, there was a program put on by a few groups of students. 
Then we were whisked away to another school where we had a lunch prepared 
by the district cafeteria staff.
Had a wonderful day. 
Will be leaving in a half an hour to our school's end of the year party. 
But it is all bittersweet, there are 7 of us from my school retiring. 
A few of us wanted to stay another year or two, but with the political 
climate in our state if we stayed we would lose what we have worked and fought so hard for.
But when one door closes another opens. 
Wonder what that will be?

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