Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sorry, but haven't been able to post till today. 
I have been under the weather for almost 
2 weeks.  Couldn't get out of bed without feeling sick. 
The past two days I have been feeling somewhat 
better, but not good enough to go doll hunting. 
Today there was an estate sale that had 
vintage Barbie's which I would have loved to go to
but it is not in the cards. :( 

Since I have no new dolls to post about, I found a site 
to purchase dolls online. 
They seem reasonable. Prices are like what you 
would find at the stores here in the U.S. 
They have Barbies, M.H. but couldn't find 
any Liv dolls. 

It's called Toy Country. 
Check out their website at: 

They also have a site on E-bay where they sell their clearance items. 

Their e-bay site is at 

Has anyone purchased any dolls from either of these sites? 

Hope to be back soon. Keep checking every so often for updates.

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