Saturday, May 21, 2011

Disney Animal Kingdom Barbie

Animal Kingdom Barbie 
Disney Exclusive
Made in China 
Flea Market find

Such a beautiful day today.  Got out of the house at 7:45 this morning
to start my Treasure Hunting.  The first garage sale I wanted to go to
opened at 8:30 and in the newspaper ad it said "Barbie Dolls".
Found three boxed Barbies, two baby dolls, and 
two Hallmark Barbie unusual ornaments. 
The next stop was the Flea Market I usually go to every week. 
Found only one boxed Barbie.  
My biggest finds were at my next stop.
It was at a yearly flea market held by one of the churches in my area. 
There was one lady who was selling Barbies and I almost wiped her out. 
I purchased all her bags of clothes and accessories.
4 small boxes filled with shoes. 
The Animal Kingdom Barbie and another redressed Barbie. 
And two different sets of Barbie Sisters. 
I even met two former co-workers who I haven't seen for awhile.
The next three stops consisted of the Thrift Store, a house sale, 
and another flea market which produced nothing of importance.
All in all it was a good day. 
Just maybe I will go back to the first garage sale tomorrow since the lady
said they had more stuff they hadn't gone through yet. 
More Barbies?

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