Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

When I was small, my parents had a peony bush in front of our 
house which would bloom around my birthday.  When 
I bought my own house, my brother surprised me with my own pink peony.
My peony bush started blooming this past week. I have been meaning
to take a picture, but forgot.  At 6 am today we had a storm pass through, but it
turned out to be a sunny day after all.   When I went to take a picture of my peony bush, 
 all that was left was one flower and a few buds which haven't bloomed yet.
At least I got one picture, but have to remember to take another when the buds bloom.
Another year has passed. The body gets older, but my mind is still the same. 
Grateful for the past year. 
Today I received a nice monetary gift from my significant other. He would 
rather give me money so I can purchase whatever I please. 
So this morning, I decided to take a ride to Toy's R Us. Found they had 2 of the Denim Basics.
But didn't care for either one.  Anyway they were priced 21.98
Then I drove over to Target where I found 
Model No. 11

They also had Model No. 5 and Ken Model 16 with the Blond Hair.
 They didn't interest me.

I also picked up an Alexis with the darker skin tone. 

On the way home, I stopped at IHOP to pick up my favorite treat.
German pancakes with lemon and butter. 
It's been an enjoyable day! 

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