Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting Chyna Doll

I finally had the pleasure of 
meeting Chyna Doll 
aka  Cecile of 
Take a few minutes to check 
out her site!
We were going to get together last 
Tuesday, but the weather was bad. 
Our first stop today was the Flea 
Market, where we both 
bought dolls.  
Then it was off to the Thrift 
Store, but we made a quick stop 
at Toy's R Us. 
We walked out of TRU's without 
spending a dime.  
 Finally got to the Thrift Store but
there weren't any dolls
 that either of us wanted. 
Cecile bought a few other items.
I can't wait to see what she creates 
with one of the items she bought. 
While at the Thrift Store you can see some 
of the items they haven't put out yet. 
One was a doll treehouse, complete 
with a tree and a rope ladder. 
And there was also a doll house. 
We wanted to have a closer look but they 
didn't bring them out. :( 
It was time to go home since Cecile had work
later on in the day. 
Cecile brought me a present. 
Close up of her face 
Her name will be Chyna Doll
(aka Cecile)
I just love the outfit Cecile made for her. 
She also brought me
It's a glass votive candle holder with
3 of her small creations and their pictures.
I haven't unwrapped it yet. 
I brought Cecile some nude dolls to 
use some of her magic on.

It's was great having someone to talk to while 
doll hunting.  Someone who shares your passion for dolls. 
We will be going again sometime in the future. 

Remember to check out her blog. 

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