Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vintage Black Doll

Need help!
Today, while walking around the Flea Market, I stopped 
at a new dealer where I had bought the Gone With The Wind Dolls, 
At first, I saw the Action Figures and played with Barbies that 
he had.  After looking thru the Action figures and picked out two.
Out of the corner of my eye I spied her.
12 inch black doll. 
Stuffed with sawdust. Her foot needs some 
mending. Some of the sawdust is falling out. 
I am assuming she is from the 1940's or 50's. 
No labels to identify her. 
Skirt is original since it is the same material as 
her head scarf.  Scarf is not removable.
I know black dolls from that era are rare. 
I believe her face is painted gauze. 
Her face paint is still good, not sure if she was 
repainted. (I don't know how I would be 
able to tell if she was)
Her only flaw is that her foot needs mending. 
Any information on her would greatly be appreciated!
Flea Market find.

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