Saturday, February 11, 2012

Had to buy something....

I think I am going thru 
doll withdrawal. Yesterday, 
when I found nothing, I 
stopped in Big Lots and purchased....

Barbie Basics 
Collection 002
Model No. 03
Made in Indonesia 
She will be deboxed and rebodied. 
I love her curly hair! 
Big Lots find.

Also this morning thanks to Debbie from 
Black Doll Collecting  posted 
that had the Rocawear S.I.S.dolls.
I was able to order Marisa. Didn't 
mind paying the 3.99 shipping since 
I probably use that much in gas going from 
store to store. 
See Debbie's post here 

Thanks Debbie for posting that information!

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