Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Toy's R Us, Coupons and Me

I belong to the Toy's R Us Rewards program. 
You know those little cards you have on your keychain
and whenever you purchase something, they swipe your card. 
Well, usually I receive coupons in the mail.  Wondered 
lately why they haven't come yet. Went to my Rewards page 
and found out that I had a 5 dollar off coupon, a 6 dollar off coupon and 
one for a Free Leap Frog book. And they expired today. 
You can print them off the website, so I did. And off to 
Toy's R Us I went. 
I first went to get the Free Leap Frog book for my other
half's grandson who is going to be two. I had purchased
the Leap Frog Tag Junior for him with a number of 
assorted books for Christmas. I even remembered to 
bring the list of books I had already bought. 
New book found, price was 11.99, with
coupon it was free.
Then on to the doll aisle to see what I could 
find.  Lately they have had nothing that is on my list. 
There were no Monster High Dolls to be found. I only
am looking for Skull Shores Draculaura and Cupid. 
There were no new Disney VIP dolls. 
Ever since Hey, It's Muff posted the 
Bratz Party Play Set  
(Click to visit Hey It's Muff Website) 
on her site, I put it on my list of things to buy. 
I couldn't find it at the Target I go to.
They had it at TRU's  on clearance for 
19.98 and with my 6 dollar off coupon
I paid 14.98. 

Bratz Party Playset
MGA Entertainment 
Includes 20+ party pieces
Made in China

I still had my 5.00 coupon. There was nothing in the Barbie Aisle that 
I wanted. So I picked up a Create A Monster Add-On Pack. 

Monster High
Create A Monster 
Add-On Pack 
Made in China 
Price 12.98  Paid 7.98 with the 5.00 off coupon. 

I still have two coupons left that expire on 
January 28th. One for 5.00 and another for 2.00. 
Hopefully they will get in some new stuff 
by the time they expire. 

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